Sunday, March 28, 2010

How to Choose Leather When Buying Coats & Jackets

For those who want to make a bold and yet luxurious fashion statement, owning a piece of leather clothing is truly what it takes. While if your pocket is deep and wide, you can just go to straight to the closest fashion boutique or store to get one what you like. But for most people, buying leather coats or jackets are real serious investments. Not everyone has that extra few hundred bucks to spare on a fly. So choosing wisely is the key to both saving you money and time on researching the right kind things to look for.

1The first criterion for choosing a leather skin is to look at its softness or roughness. While skins of reptile animal like crocodile or reptile dragons are usually hard and rough, a good piece of finished leather wear should still come by as very soft and smooth to the touch. The hardness is only the result of pour processing or lack of necessary manufacturing steps - which are mainly for the purpose of cutting cost.
Step 2Simply don't buy leather to hope that after some period of wearing it will soften itself, because nine out of ten times it won't. This is the simplest mistake many people commit when they invest on a leather coat for the first time.
Step 3The second thing to watch out for is the finish skin surface. A good quality leather in general does have the shininess to some extent. The only exception is when you go after some kind of animal skins like lamp. This animal's skin particularly has texture and won't be shiny at all. But the softness criterion still applies.
Step 4Third, carefully examine the leather itself and determine whether there are any flaws. Even small cracks and tiny cuts will just keep growing and growing over time to the point when one day you will have to simply keep your adorable piece of clothing untouched in the wardrobe or be thrown away. Don't buy it even if the merchant offers some sort of discount or compensation. It doesn't really worth it, because after about one year or even few months the flaws will be very noticeable.
Step 5Fourth, choose the right color. If you are after faux leather, quite often you will have a variety of available color options at a glance. They can range anywhere from muted blacks or browns to overly saturated colors like red, orange, purple, pink or even hard to come by greens and blues! But natural animal's skin even when died won't have very bright colors. The tones are often muted and very subtle. This is a good indication to differentiate between real and fake leathers, so you won't be scammed by sneaky sellers.
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